I’m so glad to be home and although it took me awhile to fall asleep last night, once I was out, I made it through the night. I woke up in the morning with my back feeling like I was laying on a bed of needles from the rash.  I stayed on top of my meds today: antibiotic, motrin, oxy as needed for breast pain, and bendryl for my rash.  It was a decent day and while I caught up on online banking and things that I ignored for the past 10 days, I was able to rest and take it easy.

Since this evening, I’ve been getting more itchy and I’m starting to wonder if the rash is still spreading or if it’s still blooming. I’ll be talking to the doctor’s office in the morning to give my drainage totals and I’ll mention the rash and itchiness. There’s also a spot on the surgery side that looks like the skin was peeled of when they removed the tape. After my shower it was scabby. I’ll mention that too, since now I’m paranoid about everything to do with this skin!